Wednesday, August 17, 2011

How much more fuel efficient is a manual honda prelude then an automatic honda prelude?

I own a 97 base automatic honda prelude and I like it alot. But I now crave a manual because its more fun and you feel more in control. Well just out of curiosity how much more fuel efficient is the manual then the automatic? and how much faster is it? I don't race, I am just a daily driver, and do you think I should have gotten the manual instead?

Day 2: Which of these bands, artists, composers and/or comedians do you like (ones that start with "B")?

Bad Brains, Beastie Boys, Bikini Kill, Billy Talent, Black Sabbath, blink-182 (!!!!!!!!!!! :D :D ) , Blondie, Bob Dylan

If your answer gets deleted, do you lose 2 points?

Nope. If you deleted your own answer then you lose 2 points. If the question is removed then you do not lose 2 points. If your answer was reported and Yahoo! denies your appeal then you lose 10 points.

Muriatic acid, sold for adjusting the pH of swimming pools and for cleaning freshly poured concrete, is a ?

concentrated solution of hydrochloric acid in water. Its density is 1.18 gm/ml, and is typically 36.5% HCI by m. How many grams of HCI are in a quart of muriatic acid?

I need really reall good advie urgently plz help?

I think he may have a little crush on you. be friends with him first though! Then after a little while if he does more. Like plays with your hair or stares at you when you know he is or something. Then he prolly likes you. Good Luck!!!!

My dog ate a balloon last night. Took him to the vet .?

I think your vet is ripping you off. I was a vet tech for four years and never heard of them double checking bc of gas. LAME! I would just let him eat normal food and don't waste your time and money on the expensive food. IF he isn't pooping normally or gets diareha then you should take action and take him back (or elsewhere). He is obviously not blocked if he can poop fine.

Will the polls be reversed showing McCain with an overall lead by Election Day, trumping Obama?

Which key states is he overtaking Obama in exactly? Utah? Texas? For the love of the duck, McCain is behind in North *fricking* Carolina and Indi *fricking* ana, states that haven't gone for Democrats since the 1960s.

Is this really childish?

I often dream about being a spaceship captain. Am I being utterly childish, or is this a bit more normal then I think? Its a genuine dream I have.

I am 38 weeks pregnant and often get a sharp, stabbing like pain in my backside. Is this normal?

Yeah, it's normal. It's usually a sign the baby is posterior and the hardest part of his or her head is resting on a nerve or on your tail bone causing the pain. It could also be general nerve pain, sciatic nerve pain (this usually travels down the back of your thighs too) or just the position the baby is in putting pressure on the back of your pelvis.

Which player do you think the Cleveland Cavaliers need to be a real champion contender team?

I think KG is a perfect fit, also Zach Randolph a low post monster, they also need a good point guard, Baron Davis maybe? I also think they should get rid of Larry Hughes but who will want the injury prone guy?

Question about driving fast and approaching sharp curves in rwd?

get familiar with the way it handles in a parking lot. let the rear wheel lose traction and see how the car moves. And don't sharply do anything at high speeds, just slightly turn into it. you dont want to make the car bounce. ie turning sharply will cause the suspension to recoil in the opposite direction and that is why your car skidded in the curve.

Spanner light Astra Mk5 (2005)?

That 'spanner light' is the service indicator light. There should be a mileage figure in the same location giving a count down ( or up ) to the next due service 12 - 15000 mile intervals if I am not mistaken. As long as it eventually goes off there is nothing to worry about.

Hormonal issues... totally freaking out?

my doctor told me that i have more male hormones then female ones. and i was just wondering will i get menopause early or something and i also heard that birth Control pills work..ooh and will i be able to have alot of kids cuz i want

Guy friend trouble? cuddling unmoral? ?

ok so i was at my friends b-day and my guy friend was there too and so all we did was watch movies but my guy friend (who is a junior and i'm freshman) was snuggling with me on the love seat and my friend on the other sid we had a blanket covering the two of us then another one fo my friend. so while he wa huggingsnugglingh me he was puttinghis handd on my stomach and rubbing it then he was rubbing my bikini line area while watching a the movie and im reallyticklishhsensitivee sowhen hee touched mein certainn spots i would laugh thanhe wouldd smile at me. and when all my friends where looking at us they were saying get a room and everything andi didn'tt see what was wrong with snuggling with my guy friend. but then he wasputtings hand by mine and my hand was by my mouth and then he tuck hes finger in my mouth like 3 different times and ididn'tt know what to do and so i just moved his ands but then he put his hand by mybikinii line area and i dint wanna say any thing and make my friends think that he was raping me so i just kept moving away hes hand. so do u think that this means that imto nicee and should of told him to stop or is what he was doing normal???? amy friends say he likes me but even if we were lovers is that moving to fast????

What would be the correct answer for the following?

It is the second. The last is incorrect because the region is known for its LACK of peace, the third is again false and the first doesn't make sense in the context of the question, leaving number two! Eastern Europe faced and faces many ethnic conflicts after the breakup of the Soviet Union, proving number two right!

Does this disclosure validate Darwin’s theory?

This will piss a lot of people of, but who said God didnt create man through evolution, im a Christian btw .The whole 'made earth in 6 days rested on the 7th', well lot of people say this is just mediphorical and that he created it all in an instant because he is all-powerfull, what if he didnt? What if he made us over thousands of years? Meh i dont know, nor does it bother me, i still believe in God

Am i just bull-sh*tting myself?

Yeah. What it's like now will transfer. Make the chase more difficult for him, make him make the effort or ditch him.

Gift ideas for the Hunter?

Holy cow. It sounds like you are going to spoil the man. Most people come on here and have no idea what to get their hunting friends/fiances/boyfriends/husbands. It sounds like you got it all covered. As for small gifts, maybe a simple and cheap pocket knife. Something under $10. Outdoors people like to have knives with them.

Can someone help me with a psychology research topic...Please?

Hi - for a small research project in college, i gave people a list of words - some abstract and some that were concrete and had them study them for 3 minutes. Then, i had them write down as many as they could remember. The hypothesis is that people recall words/information better if it is concrete (table, chair, monkey) as opposed to abstract (large, fast, busy). Lots of research on it. Lots of implications, too. Good Luck!

Why do i get shoulder pain when i run/do heavy cardio?

It could be referred pain from the heart (pumping) and it doesn't have to go as far as the neck. No pain in the chest is a little confusing - making diagnosis difficult. See a doctor for a minor checkup. Stethoscope on your heart, maybe ultrasound to the shoulder.

My baby isnt moving as much anymore...?

I am 25 weeks pregnant, and My baby used to move constantly. Now she only moves to where I can barely feel her and very seldom. I have a doc. appt. in two weeks, but could something be wrong that I should make a doc. appt sooner? Or is this normal? I dont remember this with my first pregnancy until I was about to have my baby...

How well should this video card run World of warcraft?

This is not a bad set-up... you will get a lil lag here n there. Most of the time the probs w/ WoW is your interent signal strength. It varies much more than you realize. Look at your firewall settings, and task manager to reduce the # of other services running. Also you can be effected by your routers settings. Game probs are not always about buying the latest-greatest video solution. I'm sure someone will stop by and suggest you spend $$$+ on a dual-quad core, and their lastest idea of the perfect video card... after they bash your poor and dismal setup (their view..). If none of the ideas above help, you will see a seat of the pants improvement by doubling your Ram, and Video. Oh! Go find the latest drivers for your card BTW....

Who's this person off snl or mad tv?

her character is a little girl. her sister is like really successful, she comes home and when the sister tells about all her acheivments the little girl is like running around showing her underwear and stuff

RJM Aquisitions Funding LLC?

Are these people for real? I got a letter from them but I have never heard anything about them. Are they legit?

What are the requirments to turn into a zombie in sims 2 free time?

I have been able to turn into a zombie once from the genie lamp and i have tried to do it a couple more times and the person that got who came back to life ended up the as a totally okay sim. I just wanted now what has to happen in order to make the person a zombie? I do not have university installed just Open for Business, Pets, and Free time.

Horse unable to move?

my horse suddenly is unable to move her back legs, she is 18yrs, the vet came out and said it is neourological and she needs to be put down, he said she is in no pain, a vet is coming out wed. to put her down, has anyone heard of this before, are they jumping the gun to put her down, my 5 year old granddaughter is heart broken, she has been riding her since she was two, she can ride her in arena by herself she will miss her.

Skip Bayless just said he could see Suh making 12 to 15 Pro Bowls...You buy that?

I mean aside from the fact that Skip is nothing more than a talking head. He compared him to Reggie White (?!) Your thoughts?

What do these ociations tell us about Barack Hussein 0bama mmm mmm mmm?

It tells me that more than half of the country didn't VET Obama. They just got on an emotional high and historic moment kick, and now we're stuck with Birds of a Feather.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Link for SNL skit "Jeffrey's Clothing Store featuring Pierce Brosnan?

I am looking for a viable working link for the Saturday Night Live skit called "Jeffrey's Clothing Store", with the show's host Pierce Brosnan. Not the one with Sean Hayes.

Expecting a child with her, but I'm in love with somebody else?

I'm only doing this because im having such a hard time making a decision. For the past ten years of my life, i've known and fell in love with this girl "Kerry". All through high school we were on and off...when we broke up one time, we each met somebody else and went off into relationships. Kery and I stopped talking when I went with "Amanda" and she went off with "Mark". We both went out with these people for nearly 3 years. She broke up with Mark in December of 2008, Amanda left me in Jan.of 09. We kept some of the same friends, so around April of 09 we met up at a party. It was almost like nothing has changed, we were both very happy, we started officially dating each other again that summer. We lasted til around Valentines day of this year. We couldn't find the time for each other in our schedules. She was in school and I was working two jobs. I was heartbroken and ran into Amanda one night who admitted how wrong she was to leave me, and how much she loves me. One thing turned into another and we had a one night stand.Amanda and I started seeing each other once in a while while Kerry and I didn't keep in touch really. Deep down I knew I missed Kerry, I wanted to just see her again and let her know how I felt and wanted to marry her. I went to break it off with Amanda for good, but before I had the chance Amanda told me she was pregnant and no matter what she wants to keep the baby. She started talking about how rough her life was growing up because her parents weren't together and she hopes we can stay together for good. I was in complete shock and couldn't tell her right than and there. A few weeks go by and Kerry called me with extra tickets to a baseball game, she told me how much she missed me, as well as I did the same. I didn't have the heart to tell her about the baby yet, I wanted to wait and see how things would pan out. I refuse to lead both of these girls on so I advoided Kerry a little bit until she calls up one night distraught about hearing the news about the baby. I have been being civil and trying to be the best man I can be to Amanda during this pregnancy. I agreed to go out to lunch with Kerry behind Amanda's back. Kerry and I shared the same feelings with each other, we want to stay together and get married. Of course, Kerry is upset about not being able to experience the gift of sharing our first child together, but she is willing to accept my future child. I'm so in love with Kerry, as she is with me. But Amanda is "in love" with me. I want to be there for my child, but Amanda probably won't let me she the baby if I stay with Kerry. I'm so beside myself. What should I do? I must also bring up that Amanda has moments where she loses her mind, I don't want to see her hurt my baby. She's crashed her car into my friend's girlfriend's car on purpose because Amanda felt she was flirting with me, which wasn't true (thats beside the point). Should I stay with Amanda and be unhappy? Or should I marry Kerry, and have a baby held over my head for the rest of my life. I can see Amanda being very strict and not let me even visit my child?

My computer dvd,cd rom does not work, also the num lock light in my keyboard neither . Power unit works, fan?

light does not operate. Cpu is ok, power unit is ok and fans inside work. Where shall I look and any ideas?

Is it still ok for me to drink orange juice?

i was bit by a squirrel when i was younger, can i still drink orange juice? i love that OJ and would hate to give it up.... please help

Who would you vote for Eisenhower or Clinton for president?

He was president for eight years and during his presidency there was peace and prosperity. However, his vice president was defeated in a disputed election and felt that he was robbed. He was charistmatic and well liked and most likely would have won a third term, unlike his vice president, who made many mistakes in the campaign. You could go on and on and nobody could figure out, whether you were talking about Ike or Bill.

Is anything wrong with treating s like a necessary bodily maintenance issue like clipping toe nails?

Of course, having s is a lot more fun than clipping toe nails, but they're still just a necessary part of maintaining a healthy body and mind, right?

Why cant i ollie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!…

I have read at least 1,000 things about how to ollie and watched 100 videos, but i'm kinda fat, and can't jump that high. Also i can only pop the tail and jump and my foot won't slide up no matter how hard i try. also i alyways land off the board. Plz help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Some Lebanese culture?

frankly ... it takes three thousand year to answer your question ... but you can put some Mediterranean cultures ... it may helps !!!

Computer freezes at first loading screen (Dell Logo)?

If your computer is still freezing, then you should clean out the registry. This is a database which stores information and settings about your computer and is also where a lot of errors occur inside the Windows system. You should download and use a 'registry cleaner' program to scan through the registry and remove any of the damaged settings that are inside it. These tools are widely available online and are able to fix your PC and make it run like it did when it was new.You can stop computer freezes by following the tutorial above. We've found that using a 'registry cleaner' to fix any errors inside your computer is actually one of the best ways to stop your PC from crashing all the time.I should like to commend Registry Easy a href="" rel="nofollow" to you ! You can scan your pc for free! Good luck!

Religiously and scientifically speaking, what explanation does Young Earth Creationism give for fossil fuels?

Well if you look up in the bible the creation wording could mean that the 7 days to create earth was to recreate the earth ... (you know after Satan's rebellion where the dinosaurs died off and the earth destroyed) ... and the 7 days was to recreate the earth as a livable place.

I saw a commercial airliner stopped in the air while it was ques to land?

TRUST ME - it did not come to a complete stop!! It just slowed down quite a bit, but your eyes could not perceive the difference!

How would you refine this paragraph?

Uglies is a novel that was written by Scott Westerfield. One of the many themes of the novel is that conformity, as opposed to being yourself, overshadows your inner beauty. At first, Tally wanted desperately to get the operation to make her 'pretty', so she can fit in. Tally later discovers that when people get the operation, they also get a brain lesion inserted which prevents people from truly thinking for themselves. The page is imperative to developing the theme because it shows that if a person gets the operation that makes them like everyone else, their mind gets taken over by the lesion. When a person gets the lesion inserted, they lose who the are, and become what the city wants people to be. Tally remembered how idiotic Pretties were, and vowed not to be like them. What she didnt know at the time was, that once you get the operation, being dumb is uncontrollable.This is part of the theme; because in life, when you follow what others are doing, you lose your ability to choose for yourself. Special Cirstances is a group of people who enforce the rules of Tally's city. The represent a dictatorship because they prevent people from being individuals. When Tally's friend Shay runs away to The Smoke, Special Cirstances make Tally go find her. The Smoke is a hidden place, in which those who don't believe in the operation, can run away to. Special Cirstances is threatend by people who don't want the operation, because it means they think for themselves.

Who is the best WWE Diva so far in the 21st Century?

Maryse, Mickie James, Candice Michelle, and Beth phoenix are my fav.That is pretty much. i dont care about the others really.

Is it hot when a girl has back dimples? Does every thin girl have them?

Guys do think its y...and I think everyone has them-- even guys to some extent...the difference is just how prominent they are

How do u measure an "aa" and an "aaa" batteries useing a multi meter tester model YX-1000A?

i have a couple of batteries that i m not to shure of how much life it has, so i m using this multi meter tester, but i dont know how to use it and read it.

Using someone elses p?

i wanna go to kings dominion tommorow, but i dont have a p. my friend shannon was going to let me use hers. we dont look COMPLETLY diffrent, but we dont look alike. i mean, we look like we could be sisters sort of. but she deff couldnt p as me. but i want to use her season p, do you think there really gonna look at it and be sure? and if its not me do you think theyll flip and not let me in even if i say that i accidently grabbed the wrong one or something?

Good resturants in stoke on trent?

taking my boyfriend to alton towers for his birthday in june want to take him somewhere nice to eat x x x thanks

What sentence should Anne Pressly's rapist/killer get?

I think he should have hydrochloric acid poured on him initially, then when his screams get annoying...line him up against the wall and have a firing squad put a bullet in his head, then mail the family the cost of the bullet. What do you think?

Which of these would you prefer as a player?

38/38 in save opportunities. You can't ask for any more from a closer. Brad Lidge went like 40/40 last year and the Phillies did pretty good that year ;D


The NTLDR file of Windows is corrupted, so it doesn't boot to take you to Windows. Boot your computer from Windows CD and start Installation. After Pressing F8 it will ask you if you want to repair your previous Windows. Just press R to repair it. Your files and installed programs will not be deleted.

What kind of car should I get?

Im 16 and tomorrow my dad is taking me to look at cars? Any suggestions? I think it cant be more than 15,000 and he doesnt want me in anything older than 3 years. I think the honda civic looks like a spaceship and the corolla isnt that great. I really like the scion tc but i cant have any 2 door car. Anybody know any good 4 door cars under 15,000 for a new driver???

Garden of Eden. Did it only become sin when the man participated?

Does God hold men to a higher standard in your opinion? Could the undermining of males in modern society be a direct attack on God?

Monday, August 15, 2011

Cant forget about this guy?

Me and this guy dated for a while and broke up at the end of december. everything was going great until he invited me to his parents to meet them/ eat dinner. They seemed pretty cool with me then me and him went to the basement to watch a movie( just us two) and he gave me my first kiss. I hadnt told him i had not kissed anyone because im kina shy about stuff like that and i didnt think it would happen that night because i had just gotten over the swine flu! i told him not to kiss me when he tried that i was getting over being sick but he kept trying anyways and eventually just happend. we kept going for like 10 minutes because it was fun..i was scared at the same time tho the entire time and i think he knew it. then he said i should leave cuz he had to go to work in the morning but that he couldnt wait to hang again. i left and he was acting weird. then i never heard from him again....wouldnt respond to my texts n stuff. its been like 4 months and i see him EVERY day at school=( he says hi but im too bitter to stop and talk to him. i just wanna erase him from my mind. i dont know what to do. just let it go?

question (girls answer only please)?

im a virgin (yay me!) and im not really planning on having anytime soon...BUT just out of curiousity (sp?lol) i was wondering if the morning after hurt? like i know it hurts the first time...but the day after you have does it hurt? like when you walk? if you get your 'cherry popped' o heard it bleeds...does it bleed just during or is it like a period type flow for a couple of days?

Which jacket should i get?

Well they're all good tech wise, Personally when it comes down to fashion I always suggest just wearing what you like best, I did see a chick wearing that volcom jacket just the other day on the slopes and it looked nice, She was wearing the purple one though instead of the squiggly one. I'm sure they both look nice, go with the one you like best, Fashion is a major personal preference anyways.

What 'proof beyond reasonable doubt' can a complainant present in indecent ault?

The complainant is 15 at the time of the alleged ault, which according to her happened a year ago.How can she prove her allegation? This is in NSW, Australia. Can she make the accused go to jail for that? Can she be sued for slander or malicious prosecution while the trial is still going for indecent ault?

How do i do this math problem?

ok so i need to find the length of a line segment. it goes like this: point c is the midpoint of line BD. Find the length of line BC. segment BC goes 3x-2 and segment CD goes 2x+3. so i need someone to write out the equation and solve it. thx for your help =]

Opinions on this poem I wrote?

good poem but play with the page formatting a bit more, an example is to slowly drift your words and paragraphs apart until the end and bring them together again.

How do you explain religion to a 2 year old?

Ok, so i am Jewish and my husband is not. Religion is important to both of us, well, beleiving in G-d...anyway, our son is Jewish bec i am. we are going to raise him to be a good person and his religion will be of the Jewish faith. Now it is approaching Chanukah and Christmas. He will be getting gifts all around, from both grandparents. But how do i introduce him to the fact that Chanukah will really be HIS religion and Christmas, etc will be daddy;s but he will still get gifts?? My husband doesnt have a problem with us raising our son Jewish. He will be going to Hebrew school, etc. any suggestions??

What would be inluded in a geographic description of a certain area?

Its for a paper im doing. im doing it about desert and you dont need to give me the exact answer but more like what types of things i should write down.

Anyone who knows a lot about Kingdom Hearts can you look at the details for the real question?

They look diffrent because Sora,Donal and Goofy were in deep slumber for a year.Sora is now taller lighter hair and more powerful.They added alot more features on there to make it better.

Do you honestly believe its the end of manchester united if the glaziers go bankrupt ?

think about it its the glaziers debts .. not uniteds .. worse case scenario.. we do a leeds but without the religation ... and i'm sure there are plenty of potential investors who would love to get their hands on englands biggest money spinners in the world of football.. we just have to hope the highest bidder is the right bidder... and the glaziers aint on the phone to bates to ask him how he did it .. lol..

How satan can say that?

he was with a woman guiding her as a prophet and she gone. he becames aggressive and possessed. one month later he has contact with another possessed person that told him , no matter Jenny will destroy you. how does that s possible? and months later she reappeared and started to stalning him in an forum where he s evangelizing, contradicting, saying bad names, insulting, disturbing, attacking and mocking all of his life etc. thanks nice day.

Should i start getting her to give them up?

My daughter is eighteen months and still uses a pacifier and a bear-bear (comforter blanket) as security, i dont let her have her bear-bear outside the house unless she stays somewhere but i do let her have her dummy in the car and at night when she is tired (and as a last resort when we are out and she throws a tantrum). I am constantly being told "she doesnt need that, she won't talk" (mind you her speech is more than fine). I dont mind either of them as a comfort for sleep, but i am starting to get concerned how often she will come out of her room having found a hidden (she hides them) dummy and pulled bear-bear through her cot rails.....Like right now its 5:12pm and she has been at daycare today and half an hour after coming home she is sitting quietly watching tv with bear-bear and her dummy.....what do i do? I feel awful taking something she loves so much away??!?!

Ipod touch 3G QUESTION!!!?

You can save battery life by making sure the ipod is locked. I would go with the 4g as it has so many more feautures then the older one. they have 2 cameras on it, witch is great for lots of things.

Quick pick lotto ticket or choose your own numbers?

quick picks seem to always just look ridiculous...i got a ticket without any digit below 18 before...should I just go back to picking numbers randomly? im sure theres not a huge difference in chances but what would you do?

Sirius satellite ready stereo?

i just bought an cd player that has sirius satellite ready and was wondering if i still have to buy the satellite radio and have it connected to the cd player?

I am unable to connect to

Try Mozilla Firefox or Internet Explorer. Google Chrome is still a beta and could not be rendering the website correctly.

Anyone know of a org. that helps the disabled to get a scooter rack for auto?

MY insurance Company paid for me to get a mobility scooter to become mobile. However I am on a very small fixed income and raising a granddaughter also. I have no money to buy a rack to carry the scooter on the car. Currently I am still not able to go anywhere outside of my home with the scooter .I have been told there is probably a org. out there somewhere that may help me to get a rack for the car. Does anyone know of a org or club who could help me? I did have the Rotary club here in Va. that built me a ramp, but they do not fund racks for cars. Help lead me in the right direction if you can!

1960's project question! Help anyone?

I have to have a learning aid for a project on the 1960's, but I want something original. We were given the options of crossword puzzle, word search, jeopardy questions, or a quiz. We get extra points if we come up with another. what could I do?

What is a good book like Angela's Ashes but about someone in Africa or India?

I'm looking for an interesting diary from someone in a poor country like Africa or India. Maybe a diary from China? I would prefer a girl's perspective but a boy's would be fine too. I want to read a good diary but I've read a lot from Europe and America lately so I'm just looking for something different?

Where can I find the UGG clic bomber boots in a mens size 8?

HELP ASAP!!!! My boyfriends gonna be 15 next weekend and i want to buy him the UGG clic short mens bomber boots but the official UGg website is sold out of his size (mens size 8) in both the chocolate bomber and chestnut bomber boots. They have the mens size 9 but thats his normal size and his UGgs are an 8 mens because i checked the tag inside of his boots. Any ideas???? These boots must be really popular with boys/men because they are selling out fast.

Could you give your opinions on this?

To me, this looks to be a platonic friendship with the potential to grow into something else. I would think that you do not know exactly what is in those e-mails or if they have any kind of in between the lines suggestions.

I wnat a touch screen phone whats the best out there and i also want it to be able to play music?

no its not the Iphone, it is the TYTN 2 it kicks ***. built in GPS i have tom tom on my phone. fast processor, 3g speeds, WIFI check it out and compare it to the Iphone.

How hypocritical is Mark Schlereth? That former Broncos player bashed the Bears for making the CUTLER trade...?

yet praised the Cowboys for trading there 1st 3rd n 6th round picks for Roy Williams. Why doesnt ESPN look a little more closely at the agendas there so called experts have. Seriously-a lot of these guys are just has beens just flapping there mouths.

Am I going to get suspended?

Friday-someone took my phone in cl and sent a ual message to one of my friends.One of the administrators took her phone and read the texts and saw what mine said.Three other of my friends were texing her ual texts and they got out of school suspension.Idk who took my phone and i doubt that my parents or the administrators will believe me.The texts are deleted off of both phones now but the administrators already saw the message wrote down my name and the message info.Can i get suspended? my parents wont believe me and theyll kill me if i get suspended

Is Pebble Mill still on at lunchtime?

a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

My friend is going crazy and i dont know what to do?

I don't know what I would do in that situation. I would just tell her that she has to be stronger and to not do anything like having to please him or whatever the case may be. Just like a girl I know, is still dating the guy that went on date with another girl. Everybody told her to dump him, but she is still with him. I'm not saying that Tia will go down the wrong path, but sometimes when you offer the right advice to some people, they don't take it to heart and continue doing the wrong things. Just offer caring advice and hope that she gets better and be there for her. Did she tell her parents about her little brother yet? I hope everything works out for the better.

How do I get help for a fear of driving and agoraphobia when I can't leave my house?

I feel worthless. I had a panic attack while driving over a bridge almost a year ago. After this I was terrified to drive over the bridge again. My therapist at the time told me I could get rid of my fear by doing it anyway. I followed her advice and it didn't help. I developed a fear of driving and was pushed by various people to continue driving and was told to "get over it". The constant state of panic while driving was unbearable. Now I am agoraphobic. I want to leave my house. I want a job. I want to get better. I am terrified when I step foot out of my house. My house is the only place I feel safe. I can't even get myself to therapy or the doctor. I waited three days to go to the doctor when I had swine flu because I couldn't bring myself to drive there and had to wait for my boyfriend to be able to drive me. I am on Zoloft for depression but I am almost out. I checked out e-therapy but I don't think my insurance will cover it and I'm broke so I can't pay cash. I have tried "toughing it out and doing it anyway". It doesn't work. I have tried to do a desensitization program by myself because I can't seem to get myself to therapy and that didn't work either. I don't have any friends to help me because I never leave the house. Does anyone have any helpful suggestions, articles, tips, a therapist on here who feels bad enough to give me some free advice, anything? I don't want to live like this. My agoraphobia is making my depression worse. I hate my life. My children, my family, and my boyfriend are a blessing but I can't be any use to them like this. Please help me find a way to get better.

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Is there any significance to the number 38?

It's the atomic number of the element strontium (wow, I'm a nerd). Really, that's all I can think of. You ought to enter "38" into a wikipedia search.

Tatoos .... Cool or Not ??

Hey guys! Haven't been asking questions in a while but now im Back! whoo hoo okay so i was wondering, do ya think tatoos are cool. Would you get any, do you want any. I do, i want to get either my name "Jessica" or the letter "J" on the back of my right shoulder. =) What about ya'll ??

Which one of these do you like most as a stage name?

*** and get me carmen, damn im fine danni, hottie holly, (idk for charley) and y santanna. i like santanna :)

Snake owner's poll: Does it bug you when people bash your choice in pet?

I do not bash anyone for the pet's they own. I love all creatures. Maybe the exception being roaches and flies. LOL. People usually get creeped out about snakes because they have preconceived ideas about snakes and have never taken the time or trouble to get to know or understand them. Do not let it bother you. Pictures would not load for me, but I am sure they are great. This name may not appeal to you, but one of my cats is called KITO. It is a Swahili word that means PRECIOUS GEM. I am sure your snakes are PRECIOUS to you. Just a thought. Good luck and have a great weekend.

What causes sleep walkin?

My friend was sleep walking last night, as she told me on the phone. she has been told different reasons....Why do u think sleep walking is triggered? easy 10 point!!! :)

Any idea where can I sell my PDA Dell Axim X30?

Ebay will get it sold fo sho!!! Check what they are selling for first. Usually it is harder to get things sold thru CL. Sometimes u can get scammed. Ebay is secure as it all goes thru paypal and other very safe ways of making transactions.

Argh! She's naming them after Torchwood!?

Harper Elijah & Gwen Freya.. They are both reasonably normal and sound good together... Harper and Gwen :)

Thisis a repost: A profound question for everybody especially those who have asked for help.?

i think it means how can you stop doing the same pointless and redundant thing over and over again, day after day, and not seeing different results? i think that it means that you need to take control, and go within yourself and find the problem, and the solution too.

I need help badly...?

I would definatly stay with your boyfriend of two years. It's been lasting for so long. Don't let some random guy ruin a good relationship. =] Who knows how he got your number? And who knows what kinda guy he is if you have only met once. I would definaly stay with the boyfriend you have now. good luck.

What will happen to me?

Im 19, and two days ago, i got caught for B&E in Motor Vehicles( We walked around town, opening cars that were unlocked). (Breaking and entering). I was with two other kids, and we got pulled over while driving from the scene. Spent in a jail cell for 15 hours and then got bailed out for 40 dollars. i see a judge on Monday morning and he decide what happens. i was the only one who cooperated with the cops, telling them exactly what we did, and that I have more stolen crap at my house. They did a search warrant on my house and ripped my room to peices. They said that since I cooperated, theyll tell the ADA, (isant Distinct Attoruney) that i helped out and was remourseful about it. This is my first offence, what will probably happen to me?

VERY aggressive behavior with chi/yorkie male puppy?

My chi/yorkie is 5 months old. He has gotten very aggressive, vicious, lunging at me, biting my hands & fingers. I took him to the vet, everything is ok. He will start Obedience Training in a week. I cannot get the halter on him, he goes "kujo" on me. I've never had problems like this with any other dog I've ever had. I at the point of almost being distraught. Any help/advice would be much appreciated. Thanks, Mary

Why do most people need friends, boyfriend/girlfriend, drugs, or alcohol to have a good time?

Why are drugs and alcohol 'crutches' yet your books and library are not? Those things are as much a 'crutch' to you as drugs are to my neighbors. And unless it all YOUR research and books that YOU have written, I hardly call what you do SELF-sufficient. You're still relying on others, they just aren't there to interact directly.

Im a nanny. I was told before I accepted the job that they have an 18 year old boy?

What do you mean him smoking pot wouldn't normally bother you? It bothers the hell out of me!!! Something like that I would think you'd tell her as a child caregiver you are required to report and that if they didn't want to see that happen then under no cirstances should he ever bring his habits around them babies again. You are responsible for their children when it's under your time. Them talking to him AINT HELPIN' sweety so tell his punk *** you'd like nothing more than to frame his mugshot and hang it on your wall. He'll get the picture and keep his distance. His demeanor will change when him and his little pothead friends realize they can't "party" there anymore. They will take the act elsewhere. You have to stand up to this kid. That's all I can say.

In a mixture of oil and water, what are the oil and the water called?

Only things with atomic numbers are elements... a mixture of oil and water is called an emulsion. Consequently, this must be a trick question. The only help is using the process of elimination -- it can't be "A" nor "B" and certainly not "C", so it's gotta be "D". I can see where these two substances could be in a process of changing phases.

I know it's a little late, but what did you think of Zac Efron on SNL?

I'll be completely upfront and honest about it, I'm not a Zac Efron fan. I am FAR from a Zac Efron fan. I put off the SNL I had on my DVR this week just because he was hosting it. But I finally got to watching it, and was pleasantly surprised. Zac did a good job. I thought the Gillie skit was HILARIOUS. His opening monologue thing was priceless. What did you think?

How can i get costing report of any company.?

I have an ignment to submit plz help me as quick as possible..How can i get costing report of any company..means in how much cost company can make its product and how i know about its profit in each product ....iwant to know about price of product according to company and on how much profit he is selling it....i want to know cost of product in complete detail....please help me quick.

Has your child been allowed to have his own views on spirituality?

Yes - I have been open in my beliefs because without some information, how will they know what questions to ask? But that is what they are - my beliefs. As they have got older, they have imilated information for themselves from many sources and formed their own beliefs. They have a moral comp to follow which is all I wanted for them.

Why isn't razor-wire banned for civilian use?

If you're breaking in, then you deserve it. If you're so drunk that you don't know what the hell you're doing, then you deserve it. If you're a decent person who's minding their own business, then it's not something you have to worry about!

Being a guys leftovers?

i am seriously in love with this one boy at my school. i think he likes me to cuz he always IMs me and calls me everyday, and at school he always makes me laugh and sits next to me at lunch. well we are both in 7th grade. he is supposed to be in 8th grade thoguh. the thing is, he like this one 8th grade girl who he thinks likes him back. he always talks to me about her and says he gonna ask her out. well im pretty jealous right now cuz after becoming so much closer over the past week, he just wants to leave me for another girl (we were never going out, it just seemed that way to me) so i dont want to end up as his leftovers, (if she rejects him, he asks me out) or do i? is it ok to be the leftovers, i mean i know it sounds bad, but i really like him and i know he likes another girl more than me, but if something makes him not love her as much, should i go out with him or not? plz help, girls AND guys

Now that it's been proven the DNA evidence was wrong about the Book of Mormon, will critics apologize?

Interesting. I don't read much into that stuff- either pro or con. I think that if science was able to prove religion right or wrong than it would undermine the entire purpose of God and faith in general. And therefore will never happen either way. Although I do think it is interesting that those who answered that they will believe it when it comes from a non lds site, that the finding is one sided. Do they not think that the non lds scientist whose purpose was to discredit the book of mormon was not one sided? either they are seriously disillusion or hypocrites. Maybe when a study is actually an unbiased one then people on either side of the fence will take it's findings more seriously. Until then it's just he said she said stuff. And for the question of whether they will keep repeating the same "garbage" i would confidently say yes. People tend to find information that agrees with their point of view and then use that to validate their opinions and feelings. Whether or not it's factual.

Power Window Fuse Overheating / Windows Don't Work?

I have a 1993 Jeep Grand Cherokee. Yesterday all my power windows stopped working. I pulled out the 30 amp fuse and put it back in and they worked for a short time. Now any time I put the fuse in, it instantly gets scorching hot (too hot to touch) I checked every other fuse and they are all fine. What could be the problem? Could there be a short somewhere? I have a tester but I don't know what wire to check. I'd rather not take it to the dealership because the price is outrageous. Any suggestions would be very helpful so I don't get robbed. Thanks!

Which superbowl party do i go to?

You could go to both. However the honorable thing too do is go to the first you committed with. Who you told first is where you go not if a better offer comes along. When you make a commitment that is were you go. I get irate when someone cancels on me after a better offer comes along. As adults that is not the way you do things.

How do I get my cat to swallow her pill?

If she doesn't take her pills, my dad is going to give Skittles away. The vets gave us some contraption to force the pill into her mouth, but she just spits it back up. Also, we set it in her dry treats, but she either doesn't eat the treats altogether or she avoids the treats anywhere near the pill. Is there a way to giver her the pill successfully or a way to get her to open her mouth more so we can get it in there deeper so she won't spit it out?

Do deer eat meat if they are really hungry?

ok today i was hiking in the woods in central new york. there was about 12 inches of snow on the ground and everything was frozen solid. i noticed alot of deer tracks, i also noticed that the deer were eating pine cones( alot of half eaten pine cones on the ground), this seemed unusual. anyways, i saw a blood spot on the ground in the snow, there were alot of deer tracks around it. i followed the tracks up the mountian to find a small intestinal track of a small animal it was about 4 inches in length presumably a rabbit, squirrel, chipmunk. so would a deer eat meat if it was really hungry, and if it wasn t a deer what could it be?

Have you ever played QWOP?

I have played it, and I've gotten 100 meters. You just have to move the thighs, and he does the splits and move forward slightly. It takes a long time, but it gets the job done.

Saturday, August 13, 2011

I have ped 12th cbse exam with 72% but i want to reappear next year in PCM and computer science?

I want to improve my performance as entrance exam have gone worst. How can i reapply for cbse board exams which will be organised next year? Procedure? Was having non-medical with 69.7% in PCM.

TO ALL: How emotional would you like your partner to be?

I like my man to be strong so if he was always a crying, slobbering, emotional mess it would be a turn-off to me.

I need insurance for my not so perfect house.?

I am no Martha Stewart or Bob Villa for that matter. I try hard, but am a bit of a hippy when it comes to my home and car. I love them both and am grateful for them, especially when I see how folks in third world countries live!!!! My house is in need of repairs ( like the roof and upgrading the electricity ). These are things I cannot afford or can do myself. Are there insurance companies who insure folks like me who don't live in a two story with a white picket fence? How do you find them?

Signs of an abusive man?????? help please?

I just moved in with my boyfriend of 14 mo We have had a great relationship and that is why i decided to move in. But seems that ever since I have moved in we argue over simple things and they tend to get out of hand on his part.I am 36 and he 30 active duty marines and an instructor. We had a fight in which he was so upset and he was shaking. He was yelling and hit the wall so hard he had to have his wrist looked at to see if it was fractured. Now he has never laid a hand on me but that incident made me wonder if he has had an anger issue for a long time and that may explain why he had been single for almost 2 years.If anyone has any input and advice or has been in a situation like this please please reply to this post.... thank you ..please help me figure him and this out. He keeps hinting about getting married abut firts i need to figure us out....please help. Is he just insecure? he tells me he always dumped his ex gf now i am starting to wonder

What can I make from little fabric scraps?

a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

Is he defending my ex best friend?

ok so my ex friend. she called me a slu* because i took a picture of me in my pj's [[shorts and a t-shirt]] and sent them to one of my best guy friend. ok so whats the deal? he likes me and so what. i don't flirt with him because i have a boyfriend and i was with my ex friend the night that happened. i was just doing the peace sign! so shes calling me names and crap. then she apologized so of course i believed her. then i wake up the next morning to my name on myspace as "sumer the slu* =) [[but with the t]] and then i asked her why she did that and she said "because its true." so she keeps calling me names and stuff but then she puts this really embarring picture of me on her myspace and says "revenge hurts doesn't it?" as the album and "sumer a.k.a the slu*!" as the picture name! so my boyfriend saw it! and he was the only one to see it! i talked to him about it and he was comforting me of course but he still talks to her [[like everyday!!!]] and then she puts his pic of him on her myspace saying "ily isaac" and "o hes sooo amazing!" and crap. so my best friend tells her to stop and she was like "well she can deal with it." and he did NOTHING about it. he doesn't even get why I'm mad! [[p.s. she likes him]] so is he like defending her? it sounds like it to me... but i don't want to loose him because.. well.. i love him. and i SERIOUSLY don't want to loose him. he said he doesnt like her and i believe him about that. ughh help please?

Songs similar to "Fast Car" by Tracy Chapman?

If you mean slow and soft sounding, the only one that comes to mind is "Hold you in my arms" by Ray Lamontage (not sure if that's how you spell his last name)

When is Chavez Jr.'s next fight?

i think they have a March 15th fight against Alfonso Gomez from contender..... the fighter is set but the date has not been finalized yet.... probably will be sooner...but i think Gomez has a hurt hand so you never know.........

Is it true that Dennis Blair is to step down as intelligence director because the Ohbama admin...?

has claimed to have lost confidence in him?? What exactly caused this well oiled and experienced administration to have lost confidence in Dennis Blair? What is your take on this?

Is this snowboard a good choice for a beginner? a href=",defau?" rel="nofollow"…/a

I'm 5'4" and 123 lbs so the 143 should be good for me. But could someone tell me if the design of this board is okay for beginners? Do you have another board you'd recommend? I have comfy boots and bindings already. Thanks

Speaking of the court programs such as :?

Peoples Court , Divorce Court , Judge Joe Brown , Judge Judy.. Is there any truth to these programs being actual court hearings?

Do you think when one writes about despair that he reinforces this feeling or catharcizes himself of it?

I'm pretty sure "catharcizes" isn't a word...but I know what you mean. Anyway, I think it would depend on the individual. I like to write and I write really depressing stories sometimes, and for me it doesn't seem to make me more sad or less sad - pretty much I just stay the same mood as before, except sometimes I will be slightly cheered up if I think it's a really good story. (That has more to do with narcissism than catharsis, but still.) It's just nice to feel like at least *something* good is coming out of all my bad experiences... On the other hand, my writing might have longer-term adverse effects on my mood...such as due to self-perception theory, over-ysis, dwelling on the past, or whatnot. (That never occurred to me until now.) Even if that's the case, though, I'm not going to stop writing. For me, it's worth it.

Resident evil 4 help? hand cannon claiming?

i got five stars on every map with every character in mercenaries.and after thatit said i can claim the hand cannon from i started a new game on professional.but when i got to the place where u and luis are tied upand you escape,it doesnt have the HC up here?wht the hell?

I can not help a friend with her ex boyfriend..maybe you can help me?

my friend has been in a live in relationship on and off with her boyfriend/exboyfriend for 5 years....he drinks, lies and has anger issues....and has cheated on her more then once, she believes he has many issues and needs to stand by him and help him get out of his financial problems(much debt)when he has a problem he calls her and she jumps....when he is with another woman she keeps in contact with him, when that woman kicks him to the curb he goes back to her...I have tried to tell her and others have that he does not love her that he is using her, she believe that once he gets his act together he will remember what she has done for him and stay with her, she says she loves him....I can not believe that you could call that love, love is not suppose to be like that, to me I call it desperation...of course what do I know, this is why I am asking for your opinion.....while he was living with anohter woman he told her they were just friends, she invited him over to her house and had

Calculus word problems ?

integrate dc/dx to find c in terms of x. substitute given values to find the value of the constant of integration. thats the cost function.

Couldn't any team today could beat the 72 dolphins in their prime!?

Think about it, their their average lineman was like 225lbs and your not going to tell me that a runningback like LT, Marion Barber, or Lawrence Maroney couldn't run over any one of the dolphins defensive players. And you can't say they were more impressive then the Patriots this season who won more games with harder competition. Salary cap wasn't a factor in 72 either, and the Dolphins were a major team with a huge budget that could get whoever they wanted. This resulted in less competition, because their less major opponents couldn't just go and spend all their money to get top notch players like the cowboys, steelers, and phins. I'm not a Patriots fan either I'm just laughing at the people who think the Dolphins were the best team of all time. If you're going to answer this question please consider the variables before you type.

Does the Qur’an teach Muslims to kill non Muslims?

Egypt, an Islamic country in which about 12% of its population are Egyptian Copts / Orthodox/ Christians. Officially ,they are enjoying first-cl citizenship ,as well as in Lebanon ,Syria, Iraq , Palestine and other Middle- Eastern ‘s countries . : About a week ago in Heathrow airport , was an incident that upsets the Egyptian officials a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a “the Egyptian pope is considered as a national symbol”, the Egyptian officials ,said , we will never accept .this humiliation for the Egyptian pope ......does that sound like Muslims are ordered to kill non Muslims ? ..keen on your comments

The Promise of the Holy Spirit: " I must go so the comforter will come"?

yes, interpretations bring about differences in belief and perception so we have religion. Trinity as in three. Father, Son and the Holy Spirit. The comforter, (Holy Spirit) which is the Spirit of God is for all, not only the apostles.

What is wrong with my resume? I cannot get a job - for over a year...?

Your resume is excellent you have alot of experience to offer but i believe when an hr manager see your resume they look at it and sit aside because its too much info keep in mind that its probably 100s of people applying for that same job they dont have time to read everything on your resume so i say make simple and brief and make sure the format is right :) good luck

What would you think if your girlfriend was Straight Edge?

So, I've been straight edge for almost 2 years, actually since the beginning of high school when I found that the "alcoholized" behavior of the people of my age was disgusting to me, and I wasn't keen on doing drugs or cigarettes, either. I guess I am not a hardliner, because I'm not for the " after marriage" idea. It is more that I'm not promiscuous. I'm not "hardliner", I do not preach people not to do drugs/drink/etc., but when they do so, I just leave and come back later when they're done, coz it bothers me to watch people get wasted. The question is - is this really a problem in a relationship of a sXe and non-sXe? It has been, with my last bf, but it's all over now (because of many reasons, not connected to sXe as far as I know) - he just didn't understand me, thought I was "missing the fun". That seems strange to me. Guys, do you all really think the same????

What would a Poetry ysis of Ozymandias look like?

I have to write a ysis of the poem ozymandias and im not a very good writer i know that the poem has irony and imagery so can some one help me out :)

Can my motherboard handle my new processor?

I have a emachine wmcp61m motherboard (additional details:Bus(es)-AGP PCI IMB USB i2c/SMBus) dont know what that really is but anyways i was wondering if my motherboard would be able to handle AMD Phenom II X4 970 Black Edition Deneb 3.5GHz 4 x 512 KB L2 Cache 6 MB L3 Cache Socket AM3 140W Quad-Core Processor? And also if it can do i do anything to the bios and how do i take out the old cpu? thanks

Will sri Lanka win this QF?

Toss will decide as it is raining heavily in Colombo. More often than not, Strauss is lucky with the toss.

I am looking for the name of a song that I think Is titled something like Last Lullaby. (Alt. Rock/ Pop)?

It has the lyrics of something like "Goodbye and Goodnight, your embaring me" I can't rember much of the song.. But I think it was first aired about 3+ years ago.

Creed to angela on the office?

what's the exact quote that creed says to angela in one of the 4th season epidodes. It's the one where michael is gone at some company convention thing, and everyone wants to leave. Creed calls angela on the phone to see if she's ditching work with them and it's really funny what he says. Anyone know the quote?


WHAT IS THE AVERAGE INCOME PER MOTH FOR AN ILLITERATE ADULT? Please give me the facts and sources if possible

What effect do fireworks have on the environment?

As I sat watching the incredible fireworks by the Mississippi River last night I couldn't help but notice all the does this have some big nasty effect on the ozone layer or make the air of a poorer quality on any significant scale? It seems hard to beleive it wouldn't have some effect.

What is the best SAT prep book?

I just finished taking the PSAT, and I got an 1890. I wasn't that impressed and I want a score that atleast breaks 2000, if im lucky 2200-2300. Do you know which book would get me the score that I am looking for? I am taking my test on Jan 24th.

Parents read my diary...?

when I was 20 and I am 26 now. I did not know until today that they have read every intimate detail of my life. My mom told me to go in her dresser drawer to get my spare car key, and when I did, I instead uncovered an opened journal of mine. This journal was from when I was still living in my parents house, however I was 20 years old. I only wrote in my journal when there was something really bothering me that I was trying to work out, sometimes too embaring or private to talk to other friends about even. I was in a horrible relationship right after high school and I wrote every detail of this encounter, and eventually got myself out of the situation. That was just one piece of the journal, but there was more, like encounters with boyfriends and what to do...lets just say every skeleton in your closet, exposed. And read by your parents. Anyways, I began to read a letter that I wrote the crazy boyfriend. I got to a certain point in the letter which was basically crying out of desperation, begging for this crazy guy to stop treating me so poorly blah blah blah. It also described that he called me horrible names, hit me, spit on me, everything. They were not close with me, in fact they tried to emancipate me when I was 16. They apparantly didn't care about what they read because they never did anything to help me. I am have the most overwhelming feeling of being violated, having my parents read the most in depth intimate details of my life, and I feel absolutely mortified. I don't know how I am going to get over this, and talking to my parents is out of the question. I feel like I never want to talk to them again. What should I do?

Friday, August 12, 2011

Who do you think will advertise during the superbowl? Have you heard anything yet?

The only one I have heard of so far is the Tim Tebow pro-life commercial sponsored by Focus on the Family.

My rabbit is litter trained, but he poops everywhere when he's not in his cage!?

He uses the litter box in his cage very well, there's barely any other poop aside from in there (just by his food where he stands to eat there are a few pebbles). But, when he's outside of his cage in his little pen (I set it up usually in the living room), it looks like a mine field. I've tried putting the litter box in there but he gets so excited he just bats at it and knocks it over. What else can I do?

Should i be upset about this? im not sure what to really think...?

probably about 4 months ago i started seeing this guy at the gym. we never talked but he would always make eye contact with me and say goodnight to me as he left. nothing really happened but then about a month and a half ago he came up to me and said that since he usually sees me there that maybe someday we could run together. then he gave me his number and told me to text him or call him....well since then we've texted each other everday almost all day. weve called each other countless times. when we talk we can talk for hours. we just get along really well and we're becoming good friends. i figured we were just getting to know each other before we really went out anywhere together...and then he just told me that he has a girlfriend. he said that we still can talk, that it doesnt change anything. Is it wrong to be a little ticked that he hasnt told me until now? I know i shouldve probably thought it was weird when we never hung out outside of the gym, but i was ok with just getting to know who he really was first. anyway, i was starting to like him and he springs this on me. if something ever happened and we dated should i be wary that if he would go behind his girlfriends back to talk to me, that he would do the same type of thing if we were dating?...and now that i know he has a girlfriend ive backed off to complete friend mode now too

Do u like mvp from jersey shore (pic included)?

a href=",r:4,s:0" rel="nofollow"…/a

In 1960, Americans and Soviets stopped trying to end the arms race after this famous event:?

D - the infamous U2 incident.May 1960.On the advice of the CIA,President Eisenhower lied about U2 aircraft flying over the Soviet Union.Kruschev caught him in the lie by publicly displaying the wreckage of the plane and its live captured pilot.I was a small boy at the time and recall how shocked people were that Eisenhower lied.In those days a president telling a lie almost never happened.

Is there an official statistic about Pinoy OFW's ?

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How to make a hat? Help!?

Ok so I have a science project and i need to make a hat. I bought a lot of felt. Can anyone give me any suggestions on how to make my hat? Not felt, sorry, FLEECE. Just a hat that will fit over my head. Instructions and how the hat will look, please. I'm kind of going for the loose beanie look. It fits where its supposed to then its loose and hangs in the back? I don't know what it's called. I need help!

I hate my sister. what should i do?

wowww, that is uncanny to my sister. just try to stay away from her as much as possible. it would make sense not to stay around something you hate, right? just simplify your life and keep her out of it as much as possible (even if you're only cutting out a little bit of time with her).

In the realm of atheists/scientologists. Would they be considered sell outs?

Due to their thinking in the way that if they can't see, touch, smell, hear or taste it, it doesnt exist. However wouldn't they have a sense of enlightenment everytime something good happened in their lives? And if so, seems there is a driving force behind it. Whether it be wealth, health, prosperity.

How do i enter the will county demolition derby?

If you are refferring to the Will County fair in Illinois. The demo derbies take place on August 22nd and 23rd. The number to call for information is (708) 589-3445.

Are yahoo getting better at spotting naughtiness or are there just a lot of sad git reporters around at the mo

My filth isn't lasting long enough to chuckle at the answers before being removed right now. It's making me sad.... boo hoo.

Why do Evangelicals think that it's okay for them to follow "man-made" traditions but for Catholics it's not?

The only correction I'll make is that Catholics do not follow man-made traditions whatsoever, whether it would "okay" or not (which it isn't anyway). Otherwise, I agree with you. The Bible never claims to be the sole authority, a man-made tradition that originated with Protestants, yet they try to twist it on Catholics by attacking our Traditions (big "T" traditions) which are solid dogma that originates with God, not us.

KORN Fans only Poll! Favortie Song?

Blind always has and will always be my favorite song by Korn. And my favorite member is Fieldy. If you haven't checked it out, his solo album is kinda funny. It's like a hip-hop album! Favorite album is Life is Peachy.

Father cause of relationship issues?

I take issue with your mom saying your father loves anyone-it sounds like he doesn't even love himself. yes, he seems to be at the root of your issues with men, but I am sure that is not the sole reason you prefer women. I hear your fear of men, and understand it. but you know not all men are like your father, so perhaps you shold think about giving one a chance?

Can I do You- What do you think bout this?

Wow! im impressed, this is the longest non-punctuated paragraph I've ever seen...try it as a pick up line & u'll never get a date in ur life..cos they'll go to sleep halfway thru it! loool

Do you find this creepy?

That's a bit creepy. Sorry to hear about your Mom, I know how that feels, my dad ped away when I was 10. Well, it could be your mental state of mind. I would not read too far into it unless it persists. Who knows, it could be real.

Suede vans chukka low question.?

I got a pair of BLACK chukka lows which are made of suede. After I used them for a while they started getting gray spots. I'm wondering how to get rid of them or make them less noticeable.

When did the undertaker stop doing the biker thing?

It was back then at Survivor Series 2003 during a buried alive match against Vince. Kane helped Vince buried Taker and Taker returned at WM XX as the deadman.

A question for Muslims, What do you think about the Imam with 86 Wife's and 170 children?.?

an answer for uk citizens (laws&customs) think how much child benefit that would be granted (oh yes please off to w.indies,sun sea &***) i wonder whether he could claim working tax credit as he is definitely doing plenty of overtime (you can guess where) and probably someone would advise that you don't receive a productivity bonus! (i am only joking) seriously though if wives,partners,children are not in anyway at all co-erced into/maltreated then whatever race creed or colour the punishment should be dealt with by the laws appartaining to country of citizenship

Is there a reliable FREEWARE software for burning video files on a CD or a DVD?

I have used many versions of Nero but each time they get expired. And im really tired of buying new CDs of it. So im looking for an online freeware software. any help would be appreciated. Thanks.

Having trouble renewing my half price discount oyster photocard?

I have a half price oyster discount card that runs out in 3 days times but my weekly bus p needs to be renewed today. I went to the post office to renew my photo card but they say they can't do it otherwise they will get in trouble, I have phoned TFL and they can't help or really don't have any information or I have phoned the benefits office and they can't help. So what it means is that I can't get my half price discounted bus p this week just because my bus p expires a few days before my photo card does

Am i being too sensitive?

My best friend,Laila, was ually molested while she was growing up. She was molested by her brother and cousin. She neva told anyone cause she feared it wud tear her family apart. The problem is i cant stand her brother. I had so much respect for him. He preaches about Islam. He even went to Saudi to study more. He knws the Quran insyd out. They both never apologised to her. I jus feel so angry and helpless because my friend became a bit promiscuous a few months bk and dats when i sat her dwn and had a talk wit her and she confessd to me that her own blood did that to her. She told me she doesnt want anyone to knw but this is killing me inside. I cn imagine what its doing to her. The brother is nw married and has a kid. The cuz is dyng of Aids,and i cnt help bt fl that he had it ing! I knw im being cruel. Pls help!

Teen fiction book with and or masturbation on it?

I liked forever by judy blume but anything more open? I like book with to undertsnad more what its like as a teen but it has to be at a teen level

For a car, what's the difference between the alloy wheels?

And the wheels with hubcaps? Does one rust easier than the other? Is there a difference in quality? Is it worth it to choose the alloy wheels over the black rims with a hub cap?

What's music like in Evangelical and Lutheran churches?

As Anon said, you won't find any handclapping or dancing at a Lutheran church. Our worship service is just that, a worship service. We come before God asking for His forgiveness, His word, and His body, and then you have our responses to these gifts of grace and love. We do not see it as a time of "partying", it is a time to come humbled and needy.

Sleep too long?

I'm 17, and I feel the same way but in my case its when I go to bed at about between 1030 and 11 and wake up between 745 and 845 that I feel great. Any later or eariler either way and I feel like total crap. Ive read up on it on the internet, teens can get away with less sleep than adults and children, but most of the time teens like us will benifit with a lie in rather than going to bed eariler. I suggest you work out your best times like youve roughly discovered and keep to them during school days but try lie ins on the weekend as I find that makes me feel even better on monday morning.

Why doesn't Yahoo answers have the guts to show you an answer that was deleted?

It isn't up to yahoo, it's up to you. We all have the choice, participate on Yahoo's terms or not at all. By and large it's a very worthwhile p time, we can help others and learn at the same time.

Should I trade away Tony Gonzalez for Reggie Bush?

No. Reggie wont play till the 12th week and when he does play it will only be for 3 plays . So no, and Tony Gonzalez is doing really good. so stick with him .

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Does anyone think the bottom three on American Idol, should of been the bottom three?

i do..and ppl should stop crying about GET OVER IT its jsut a show!! its not like there going to die if they leave...

Girl 14 yr olds- seventeen or cosmogirl?

They are both good, but honestly I think that Seventeen would be better. They have more interesting articles, and less advertisements, but they are still as thick or thicker than Cosmogirl. Hope this helps!

Whast should i name my er Spaniel puppy?? Any suggestions?

I am adopting a blonde female er spaniel puppy and idk what to name her!!! I like the names Kajiki, Zorra, Channel, Lacey and Snuggles..... Any other suggestions??? Plz

Date of birth of line l'archeveque?

She lives at 1098 brodeur pont viau laval. the day of her birth is 9 april I ned yer year of birth. she's married to pierre numainville since the 15 july 1998

Some body help me.........plzzzzzzzzzzzz?

some days b4 i fell down in love there is no dout that she not loved me i didnt see her but we met on wrong no fone call......soo like this it happend after long time when i told her that m 6 years younger than her than she left me with this reason that m younger but that is not necessry for love now her cell no is off even i sent many mail to her but she didnt reply me now m restively awaiting for her day by day my health is going down i tried to forget her i couldnt............always m craying just for her m feel that my life has end no there is no mission with out her so in this condition what shud i do..........if she wil not come in my life really i wil die really i wil die plzzzzzzzzzzzzzz help what shud i do in this conditons................with thanx plzzzzzzzzzz pray for me with heart........................take every body and take care you are love...............bruno

Scientific answers please: Are there various grades of stainless steel?

I know this is an alloy, but can it be mixed to form a superior steel? Therefore less likely to stain?

How does a vacuum reduce heat loss by conduction & convection?

Heat is conducted by air movement. As the hot air rises then the cold air above circulates to take it's place. Therefore the heat in a room with air heats up and circulates and then the hot air gives up it's heat to the colder surfaces of the windows etc so it is cooled and it then drops to take the place of the the now rising hot air. The same thing cannot happen in a vacuum as there is no air to heat up and therefore there is no circulation. This is why a double glazed window with a vacuum between surfaces would work better that a sealed unit of gl with a small amount of air trapped inside.

Is the new game brink 2 player?

I wanna get the new game brink for ps3, i wanna know if it is 2 player? Is it 2 player online or 2 player with anything else?

I get confused when people refer to "PDA's". What's a PDA?

A personal digital istant (PDA) is a mobile device, also known as a palmtop computer. Newer PDAs commonly have color screens and audio capabilities, enabling them to be used as mobile phones (smartphones), web browsers, or portable media players. Many PDAs can access the Internet, intranets or extranets via Wi-Fi, or Wireless Wide Area Networks (WWANs). Many PDAs employ touchscreen technology.

Why did the Genuine Buddy Blackjack 150cc Get Discontinued?

I was reading up on some scooter and I came across a blackjack. It seemed like something that would be very popular. Does anyone know why it got discontinued cuz I can't find anything online.


Was there any love at all in the first place??? Or is she just some merchandise in some auction that goes for the more convenient buyer

Do you think this was appropriate?

The waiter should not have made personal remarks to or about Lucy. In fact, he had some nerve and needs to be reported to the manager. Ashleigh is just a stupid twit without enough sense to defend her friend.

If I want to ask for donations for the SPCA outside of a store In the mall, What do I need to know?

I have no affiliations with the SPCA, but i would like to contribute to them. Besides asking the store manager, what else should do? (permit, ect.) I wont be selling anything.

Are people with down syndrome infertile?

Fertility amongst both males and females is reduced, males being unlikely to be able to father children and females having significantly lower chances of conception, around half of the offspring of someone with Down's syndrome also have the syndrome themselves;[ there have been only three recorded instances of males with Down syndrome fathering children.

Physics question plz hlp!!!?

magnitude equal does not mean that the forces resultant will not be zero there are cases where the resultant can be zero refer with your teachers fro more info

I am going to have a puppy!!?

I have 2 questions.My dad said that he'll get me a puppy at Cairns RSPCA but he doesn't know where it is. If you know where the cairns RSPCA is please tell me. (2nd question) My dad said he'll get me a dog but It's taking for forever for my dad to get me a dog what do I do? My dad's kinda busy because he owns The best bakery in town at cairns. (queen of tarts bakery.)

How can I find a good girlfriend in a country like Kuwait?

There's not much "dating" in Kuwait. Men and women are kept separate from each other in most social situations. If you notice in the malls, the girls travel in their packs and the boys in their own groups. You don't see much in the way of young people intermixed with each other, as it is against their customs.

Are my writing skills good?

If you really are only ten, then you are writing quite well for your age. That said, there are errors in what you've posted. For instance, you change verb tenses, beginning in present tense, then switiching to past tense. It's quite difficult to write in present tense, so the tendency to slip into the more familiar past tense is easy enough to do. When you write dialogue, you must make a new paragraph for every case of the speaker changing. However, as you are very very young, you have much time in which to learn the craft of writing if you have a pion for it. Take writing courses in school and read voraciously in order to gain proficiency. You certainly have potential; all that is required is the time for you to mature. In the meanwhile, simply keep writing; you learn much through practice. Try to find someone to read your writings who is qualified and who will be objective. Good luck!

If the Senate can't run a cafeteria, how can they run a country?

Why the Govt. would be in the restaurant business in the first place is beyond me. I wonder if they have different pay grades too, like regular govt. employees. I can see it if they have to have security clearances. Otherwize (pun) they seem to busy trying to run other counties"s govts.

Which of the following is a problem inherent to all large radio telescopes?

Poor angular resolution use to be a problem but these instruments are so large and the computer equipment attached to them are sooo good that this problem has gone away. However, weak signals can still be a problem. The big bang background noise as well as other types of signals have to be filtered out.

I failed to protect the puppies?

a few days ago i posted about how i feed the dogs in my colonies and how there are 3 little newborns of whose survival was of utmost importance to me.............yesterday one of the little guys whom i had named Skids died when he came under a car.............i thought i could've ensured their safety but i did not do certain things that i should have...........i feel responsible for the pup's death and i think i' am gonna inform the animal authorities about this...........feel free to give any tips on how i can help the other 2 pups survive.......i don't have a backyard and hence building a kennel is out of the question.......

Does appointing secretary neri as president of SSS will be good for the filipinos?

No i think not, cause everybody knows that neri says bad things, about our president, and everybody knows he is withhelding with him, vital information about. ZTE scandal, wether that information contains some facts against our government or not, he does nothing to show his conviction, he betrays both side, the president for saying bad things about her but not totally reversing his allegations publicly, and the filipino people, by hiding the truth that will put closure to this scandal, i think if he will be the president of the SSS, it will reinforce our psyche that his ways and dealings is the way to promotion and better position, which is not right in making our country strong , and i think our president will think about it again, (neri does good job in most of his government ignments, but its the wrong signal and timing at this time to promote him, it is scandalous)

I have a message for you LOSERS who believe in love!?

Hey LOSERS, continue to live in dreamland, ignoring the obvious truth, you are weak and pathetic just like the thing you believe in. Dream on, the world is ours anyway, but one day we will come to your dreamland, but not to enjoy a visit but for an invasion to crush love, and you can't stop us! Don't get me wrong i am Christian, i love God, my family, my friends, videogames and studying but i hate love, i don't believe in love between the two genders, me and many others. If love exists then i am Santa Claus! I am 16, but people of all ages are ready to fight and kill love! LOSERS!!!!!!!!!!

Applying to University and Travelling?

I am going to work in South America as a teacher for the next six months until university starts at the end of September but I have had a letter from Leeds University for an interview in April. They say I cannot go to the University without an interview but surely I am not the first person to travel while applying.

A very short political poem? Will you get it?

Ahmadinejad and the Iranian government has no interest in a valid & honest election (what to Islamic hardliners think of corruption and lying).They don't support freedom and dissidents.

2 ?'s: Have you ever experienced implantation bleeding? / How many DPO were you when you got a BFP?

hey girl. well i was only 12 days dpo when i took a clearblue pregnancy test and it came out positive!!! i took it 4 days before my period which was just a couple days ago and now my husband and i are so so so happy!!! Good luck and baby dust.

Imgoing 2 get married in 2 months and want to reduce 10 kgs of my weight ASAP,im 61 Kgs currently?

I am more concentrating on diet plan.and some quick Excersises which will help me reduce my weight to the earliest.

Just to check am i pregnant?.... does this look like a BFP?

I can see it. It looks + to me. Congrats. Also on Thursday they won't really see much else other than a sac and yolk sac and it will be very small. They are probably just ruling out ectopic as that can cause spotting. you really can't see much else on the screen until 6.5-7 weeks and it will still only look like a small blob. But congrats!

So people tell me global warming doesnt exsist...?

If it doesnt then can someone explain to me why it use to take me 2 full days off sun to get close to any color and i was outside for an hour and a half saturday and now have a complete blister packed sunburn i think the ozone is part of the problem any other insite??

What are some native american words for "cheetah"?

i understand that there are many different native american languages, if you could please find many different words for cheetah, from different languages, that would be very helpful! thanks

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

How to Improve my gear score in Cataclysm.?

You might want to go get some PvP epics, or if your reputation is high enough, buy some items from Guardians of Hyjal or Wildhammer Clan, or something.

Who sang that song and wat was it called?

iv been looking for a song for ages now n cant find it...i thought it was called i want you!.....its a 10yr old (ish) dance track with male vocals that i originally heard on a cream anthems CD...but i recently heard on eastenders when roxy n danny was setting up the DJ set roxy bought....the lyrics i know are.....cos i want you and you know that, if you push me away girl i like that, tonight im gonna do wat i gotta do n tonight im coming for you.....................................… please please somebody know wat im talking about! lol

Does he like me??????

there's a guy that i like, and we're both pretty much rocker-types, and he always looks at me in cl when he's puttin his head on his desk becuase i sit behind him in homeroom. When someone told him that i liked him at lunch, i was sittin across from him and he started blushing and smiling and stuff and trying not to look at me..... SO we hanged out a little, and i asked him out thru a note in art cl that said "Do u wanna go out with me?" MY freind sits by me and he sits on the other side of her, and i ped it to him, and he started giggling and blushing but he wrote, "Not to be rude, but no," and he ped it back to me.......... but HE ALWAYS LOOKs at me and looks away blushing...... what shuld i do?

Need help ps3 themes?

can someone help me wit this i did wat some site told me to do but my ps3 wont read the themes i have saved on my usb can someone tell me y and theres one more thing when i tried to look at the theme that was dl it didnt show me the pic and pop up wat program to use and i tried paint and i have a feeling i mess up by doin that so if u can plz hlp me out

What should i get my best friend for her bday?

the simplest thing you can do is to get an itunes gift card or sth like that but since she's your best friend, you may want to get her sth more special, maybe like a t-shirt featuring the bands

The ques is below....u have 2 show the work!!! i need this ASAP!!!?

a manufacturer finds that it costs him x^2+5x+7 dollars to produce x tons of an item.At production levels above 3.he must hire additional workers,and his cost increase by 3(x-3) dollars on his total production.If the price he receivs is $13 per ton regardless of how much he manufactures and if he has a plant capacity of 10 tons, what level of output maximizes the profits?

Jews please?

I have enjoyed reading what our Jewish friends here on R&S have said and I must say that their interpertation is very reasonable and interesting. I believe that we could learn alot from them if we asked more Questions like this one.After all they WROTE the book And thank you to the memory of all the wonderful Jewish prophets and people who were brave enough and careful enough to preserve it throughout all history AND I for 1 aplaud them.because if it weren't for them we wouldn't even have the blessing of having it .Thanks for the question and thanks for the answers.I am blessed by both.

Problem with reaching fortification hill in fall out new vegas?

I cant seem to reach fortification hill. Well im towards the end of the NCR quest line, actually on the last quest before the hoover dam battle and i need to reach fortifacation hill to get the quest from my companion arcade gannon. Does anyone know any other way to reaching this place with out first going there when invited from caeser him self or am i pretty much screwed now. Also if theres any alternate way to trigger the quest from gannon please if you know let me know. Thank you.

Who won tonight's MKR. WA or NSW?

I missed the show tonight ( Monday 11th April ) and was wondering if Sammy and Bella or Daniella and Stefania won???

Early 2000s arcade game, i 4get wat its called?

i used to play this game on those big arcade machines and im pretty sure it was a capcom ggame, related to streetfighter, i rember u cud pick a team of 2 or 3 to fight with tag team style, i rember my fave team was a big fat guy hu carried around a lead ball on his leg hu was teamed with a leprachaun guy hu was rly short, did anyone else paly this game, if so wat was it called?

If it took bp that long to clean up the oil spill how long would it take scientists to prepare for an asteroid?

Scientists are already preparing for an event like this to happen. They suggested destroying the asteroid using nuclear weapons, but that would ter the asteroid into millions of pieces.. essentially making the asteroid even more dangerous. I'm guessing it would take at least 20-30 more years to prepare for an asteroid... There's no way in hell we have any sort of technology to stop an asteroid. Also, if a comet hits us now, we're ALL screwed.

Why did allah send the quran in clical arabic?

clical arabic doesn't have the dots an vowels that modern arabic has.even today 20% of the arabic quran remains untranslated because the scholars can't agree what the arabic quran says. so why did allah send his message in the only language in the history of the world that can't be translated properly?

How do you feel about this?

My mom's friend Mildred has a daughter my age. Her name is Judy. My mom and Mildred have been trying to get us to be good friends, but we both come from filipino families. I think my mom is sick of me being friends with other races at out school and want me to socialize with people my own race. I prefer the kids at school, but when I try to talk to her, she acts snobby and says she doesn't want to talk to me because she thinks her english is bad. She doesnt talk to me so how would I know? So last weekend she got my attention, but in a bad way. I own a Sony VAIO computer in red (I was going to get pink), but in January. Mildred came over mid-February and saw the computer and thought it was adorable. SO she got Judy a laptop EXACTLY LIKE MINE only in pink. She and her brother BJ think its cute copying me and my brother's possesions (such as Nintendo DSs, material things, etc.). I don't think so. If she wants to be my friend that bad, why won't she just flat out talk? I mean

6+ mos pacifiers for 5 month baby?

My son is now 5 months, and like always we're running out of the 0-6 month binkys because somehow we lost them... (Like always, they just vanish!) And I've been looking all over for the 0-6 month MAM ones (the only type he really likes) and I'm having a hard time finding them (has to be the clear nipple) but I find the 6+ month ones all over. Can I give him the 6+ month one now and will be be okay with it? He's only a month off.

Since Bernadette was looking at the butcher and not at where she was going, the defense of ________ might be s?

4. While shopping with her mother in Arnold's Super Market, eight-year-old Janet was allowed to roam around freely. Without her mother's knowledge, Janet opened a jar of jelly and spilled the contents on the floor. Two hours later while intently watching a good-looking butcher, a shopper named Bernadette slipped on the jelly and broke her leg. Bernadette sued the Super Market. Since Bernadette was looking at the butcher and not at where she was going, the defense of ________ might be successfully erted against her. A) imputed negligence B) proximate cause C) contributory negligence D) negligence per se E) conversion 8. Which of the following is not a function of tort law? A) Establishes standards of conduct for society B) Compensates victims for their injuries. C) Deters antisocial conduct D) Deters breaches of contracts E) None of the above

Do you think Disney Channel is getting worse these days?

I think they are getting more untalented singers like Miley Cyrus and the Jonas Brothers (so on...) onto Disney Channel just because of the image, but not talent. I know that is show business, but just think back in the years of the early 2000's, when there was real talented stars like Hilary Duff, Raven Symone, etc. Compare them to what we see now on Disney Channel.

Home contents claim help??

Depending on your insurer they will first try and fix it. If it's aggreed that the TV was broken beyond compare then it would either be replaced with a new one (Nearest model if yours is no longer available to buy) or you will be given the value in vouchers to spend in a shop. We have claimed for lots of things on home insurance due to 2 (!!) burglars and an unfortunate accident with a candle and new carpet! :( They have to ask lots of questions to check for inconsitancies in your story... there are a lot of fraudsters out there. Good luck!

Valentine's Day!-UHG!?

There's going to be a Valentine's Day movie and my 2 favorite singers are in it! I pretty sure it will be trash though so BOO HOO FOR ME! I actually hate the holiday. I sure ther will be and gays in it. Any info on it, ppl?

Can from ancestors affect a person now?

What do you mean by ? I would definitely consider ual relations between parent and offspring or brother and sister. Cousins laws define it differently in many places. Actually you don't have to go back too far in historical time that it is obvious most of us are cousins in varying degrees.

Titration Question - A student measures 25 mL of acid and adds 3 drops of indicator. ?

the added water will not affect the amount of base required. It was probably used to make the indicator colour change more readily detectable

Is giving birth early or later hereditary?

So my family of females has always given birth early. My mom was born early I don't know how early and I was born 3 weeks early. And my great grandma and so forth from what I know were all born early. What are the chances that my baby will be born early? I walk ALOT I am walking over 7 miles a day. I hate driving so if I wanna go somewhere I just use my feet. Save gas save money pretty much is my thinking. So with all my walking my family keeps saying how great my labor will be because all I do is walk that my lil guy will pop right out. Well lately I've felt a few braxton hicks contractions but they come once then disappear for days. I'm only 23 weeks pregnant tho. So does it sound like I'm going to be early??? I panic because I'm giving birth alone (I'm sorry but there is no way anyone is gonna see what's going on down there besides my doctors and me. My husbands deployed.) and I wanted to get things ready just a few weeks prior to my due date but I'm worried I may be to much earlier and wont be prepared. Advice?

What trutv show is this clip from?

does anyone here watch tru tv? please tell me what show this clip is from? a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

Sunday express crossword?

does anyone know 'a white colourless mineral often tinted by impurities, used as a gemstone', 5 letters, '?o?a?'.

Any good books out there?

I'm looking for something for teens. Already read the Twilight series, Harry Potter, and Eragon. I am not reading Narnia. I will read anything if it hold my attention. I like fantasy, science fiction, historical fiction, WWII based books, clics, young adult books, romance novels, thrillers, well almost everything. I will not touch anything that is about spoiled, rich, brats in a boarding school, like Gossip Girl, although the TV Show is pretty good. So, can anyone recommend any book, that they think I would like?

Algebra question help fast plz!;]?

cindy and tim share a paper route,it takes cindy 50 min to deliver hers and it takes tim 100 min, how long does it take the two of them when they work together??

A cooking tip is to add lemon juice to milk to subsitute for ermilk, will that work with soy milk?

I was making biscuits tonight for my crock pot stew. I was using soy milk. Looking at recipes for biscuits I wondered about the whole ermilk idea and if there is a soy alternative.

Boy problem. Please help! 10 POINTS :)?

so then tell him that ....yeah its easier said then done but if you miss your friend that much and you feel his friendship is worth that then GO TELL HIM! you will learn as you get older that TRUE TRUE FRIENDS ARE HARD TO COME BY!

How do I open attachments on yahoo answers?

most of the attachments on here do nothing when you try to click on them. they are not underlined and even if I go to the site, it says they can't find it.

Is Obama just lining up to take his place as a another failed liberal windbag Candidate?

And you think old John McCranky is a better candidate? Looks like YOU are the douche bag here, champ.

What do you think about Muslims???

i am a Muslim! People hate Muslims so much. I wonder why you hate them. i want a good reason. The people all blamed Muslims for 9/11. it doesn't mean all the Muslims are bad. Like Bangladesh Muslims,,they nothing to harm people. And also other Muslims. A lot of people say "we know that Christans(sorry do not know how to spell it the correct way) all go to heaven and all Muslims go down to you know what. Muslims think the other way and say every culture and religion is nice (and a Muslim) can go to heaven. They all just blame Muslims. We cover our body because men get into the women. Muslims are like all of us. They care and love the same way. And also we do not know for sure that Muslims down to you know what. no one knows is that is true. What if it was the other way, Instead of Islams it is the other religion.. That is wrong.No one really knows! We will see when the day comes,, Do you like Muslims?

Can creditors empty my bank account or freeze it?

Just got off the phone with a creditor. I owe capitol one 1100 dollars I was seconds away from settling the account. And now they know I have a bank account with wells Fargo. I didn't give them any other info I decided to just hold off on paying them today till I see my check Friday. Now I'm wondering did I make a mistake telling them where I bank? Will they freeze my account?

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Why is it so hard to leave my wife?

I found out that my wife had a very filthy and complicated promiscuous past with many men and women before we married whereas I was a virgin at the time of marriage as our religion (Greek Orthodox Christian) requires. I was just 19 when I met her and we became engaged. My wife confessed to lies about virginity after taking new medication during a night when she had wild mood swings. My reaction has been delayed. Really I have not reacted to her . I am a non confrontational person. I just stopped talking,laughing or smiling. I did not react in any way and now she thinks I will eventually get over it and we are going to live happily ever after, but I just want a divorce. I really cannot see any way for the relationship based on lies to survive and I have read a lot about trying to make things work but it sounds like it will be too painful for me. I don't understand why I cannot leave after one month after learning of the promiscuity. Is it because she is the only woman I have been with? Even though I hate her and she is a is it because I don't think I can do better than her? WHen I met her 10 years ago she even gave me what I now believe to be an STD,thankfully now under control, but I was too innocent to know or believe she would lie to me about her promiscuity. I want to divorce her but it is hard to just get up and go. Am I such a loyal cuckold because she is all I know even though she hurt me and I cannot stand the sight of her?A few hours ago I got drunk for maybe the second time in my life to see if I can get some emotions but I have no emotions left. Maybe suicide is easier than divorce.

Allergy to peanut er?

Last nite i was touching peanut er (making a lunch for someone). shortly after, about 5 minutes, my fingers swole up and white wilts came out on them. then my eyes started to turn red and water, then my nose was running.. is this a sign of an allergy to peanut er? ive always ate it and never got sick! this is weird!

We just broke up. What should I do?

Sounds more like then summer love. Thank you for this detailed question and story. It seems like the both of you had a great thing going. It'll be a shame to lose this. So I suggest that you do let him know how you feel. Relationships that start off like that usualy last a very long time. Give him a text from time to time. Stay friends with him. dont let him go. what ever you do.

Help de-ATKINSing my diet?

The atkins diet is retarded. You will gain all the weight back as soon as you start eating healthy, and getting carbs. Your body cannot survive healthily on protein alone. Plus, the body burns protein at a much higher temp. than carbs, therefore your metabolism is like on hyperdrive with it, but then once you start taking in carbs again it will slow. Theres nothing you can do but accept the weight gains, eat 5 meals a day to try and normalize your metabolism, and start over with a real diet and exercise plan.

Is 2 mavericks what this country needs right now?

Are 2 far left Muslims what this country needs right now? Joe Biden and Barrack Obama! They do not have a good plan and do not care about national security.

How can I convince a family member that my honey is not a bad guy?

I kinda discussed things with my older sis about my ups and downs that I was going through with my one true love. Now we've worked things out. But she still doesn't like him. But my mom and other relatives like him and enjoy his sence of humor. My sis doesn't understand when he is kidding around. I didn't either at first then I got it that he likes to kid alot. He disscused things with his buddies too before. Since my sis lives out of state she doesn't know all the wonderful qualities he has. How can I convince her that he is not the bad person she thinks he is. Should I tell her about all the nice things he has done for me? Have I tainted a bad picture about him to her? I want all my family and friends to like him. He is the best things that has ever happned to me. He is my world. I would be lost without him. He has many good qualities. If I tell her the good things about him would she change her mind?

Wasting Light Or Angles?

Angles. The Strokes are my favorite band ever<3 i love Angles, even if it is a little different then their old stuff. I love all of the Strokes albums:) p.s. I just went to one of there concerts which was the best day of my life. i am going to another one in a few weeks! So excited!

I am on the 7th day of my period and been of my pill for 10 days.had i pregnant?

i am on the pill and havent been taken it for the last 10 days.i have bn on my periods for 7 to 8 days start very light.i had unprotected this cycle verys from 29 days to 32 days.could i b pregnant?

Love? At first sight or otherwise?

Love at first sight just depends on how good your eye sight is. Other than that it’s just personal perception because love holds ambiguous meanings. In fact love is a ‘utopia’ everyone wants to have. But of course it is never completely achievable because the perfection desiring human is imperfect. Therefore it’s a sad unrealistic reality that we all hope for.

What would be the independent and dependent variables in this problem?

We had a lab where we counted up the different types of corn kernels on a corn (purple wrinkled, purple smooth, cream wrinkled, and cream smooth). THis was the F2 generation. Using this info, we needed to find the F1 and P generation. I'm having trouble with my hypotheses - what would be the independent and dependent variables in this situation? Also, how should I write my hypothesis? It needs to flow like "If (ind. variable), then (dep. variable)."

Jews killed Jesus?

The Jewish leaders of Jesus's time did. He knew their works and that they were false to their teachings or lack of teachings. The leaders did not like Jesus as he was exposing them and they were going to lose their prominence in the community. They had to get rid of him. They were the way prophecy was fulfilled. They were not destined to fulfill but did so out of fear and hatred. They knew he was the Messiah as they studied the scrolls, yet they denied him. Mel Gibson went on a drunken triad and evidently spoke what he had been hearing his dad say for many years. When drunk, people speak stupidly. I learned this living with alcoholics all my life. Hatred and Bias comes from Satan not Jehovah God. 1John5:19 tells us Satan is the ruler of this world. Even Jesus acknowledged this. Jehovah is a spirit therefore without color, he is the one we are to worship. Jesus, his son was born of dark skinned parent so his color would be of the Arabian sector. Skin color does not matter. It is what is inside that does.

Genie garage door opener--I need to program a new opener remote. My ex-roommate took it with him.?

So anyway it's probably 15 years old since the house is. I bought the house used and no owners manual for the door opener.

How to get a teacher fired?

well i dont know its a tricky situation. and i dont want to put bad ideas in your head. like im a little coo coo and i would like burn the school down haha ha? well idk im just bored

Pregnant or not? i know have to take a test but are these any symtoms?

i was due my period on the 12th and ive still not had it,my periods never been this late before.. about a month ago i had unprotected alot. Ive been getting sore heads,alot of farting(sorry) pooing alot more(tmi i know sorry),acheing ,also when i pleasure myself i get sore pains in my stomach after i /*** and feeling tired i normally get really sore stomachs when my periods coming but not had them yet so guessing its nowhere on its way yet? can i be pregnant? i know i have to do a test im just wanting to know

Is 29 a good ACT score?

I'm going into 10th grade and just got my ACT score back and made a 29. I hope to take it again to bring math up since I haven't had all of the math that's on the test. If I want to go to Columbia or Stanford what else could I do to stand out? I have helped around the community because I'm in Honor Society and I'm in a few other clubs but what else can I do to stand out besides raise my ACT score? I plan on taking the SAT sometime during 10th grade after we take the PSAT. Oh, I'm also a member of People to People Student Ambadors and I was selected for Who's Who of America or something like that and I have a 4.0 GPA but I still need ways to stand out! Please Help!!

Racism still exist?

I am saddened by this a lil bit. Im a 14 year old black kid. The other day i was over my cousin house in Stone Mountain Georgia. We was walkin around his neighborhood when some man shouted outside his window "GO back to where you came you Ni**ers"(and on his car "KKK still lives on"). I was shocked at this. I hace lived in the south all my life but never experienced racism. my cousin wasnt phased at all.. He cussed the guy out and flicked him off. I know this was wrong to do but oh well, we went to his house, and threw rocks at his house and cars, one of his windows broke, but we ran away and wasnt caught. Except by a neighbor, he was right but he said hes been waiting for somebody to do that to him for months. Anybody else actualy experienced racism like this though

My Father asked me to keep a secret from my husband?

I told him no and asked that he not tell me anything he didn't want my husband to know. My father is now very upset with me and says this is really putting a kink in our relationship. I don't know what else to tell him. I don't want this to come between me and my dad but my husband comes first and I just won't keep anything from him. My husband and I became one when we married and secrets separate that bond, in my opinion. My father has never had a successful marriage and does not understand why I won't promise to not tell my husband. He considers my reaction as betrayal and he doesn't think he can trust me with anything personal ever again. Is there anything I can do/say that will help him understand?

Zac efron's head is always cut off?!!?

everytime i enter a movie theatre and see a h.s.m.3 board/ad...i always see zac efron's head missing! wtf...whyyyyyy?!!

Best guy FRIEND and i drifted apart, how do i tlak to him agian?

i was bf with this guy for a while now he always came over etc. his gf ws my bf to . we all hung out together but it was never awkward. i feel like after they broke up we kinda drifted apart. he is always coming up to me at school saying he misses me and hes planning on comeing over but NEVER does.then he says hell text me to hang out but that never happens either :( three times he said to me at school oh im coming over i miss hyou then he'll just never text me or show up and i dont text him. its beeen a couple weeks and we havent talked at school and walk past eachohter like strangers. & never can i fix this i really miss him as a friend but i dont wanna be pushy cas i have those friends that push themselvdeson you to hang and thats anoying as hell so what do i say ?

Venus fly traps?

venus fly traps are fed on flys they catch, and rain water, can anybody tell me if no rain water can i use bottled spring water as i cannot get hold of distilled water, thank you, as you can see i bought some on ebay, also some seeds, to try out, any info gratefully recieved either here or on my ebay site,

What intermolecular forces are present in iodine crystals?

the intermolecular forceat work between iodine molecule is known as van der waal forces (aka london dispersion forces). this can be determined by looking at an iodine molecule. In the molecule two iodine atoms "pull" in opposite but equal directions. this causes the molecule to have no polarity. since there isno polarity the force cannot be dipole-dipole, and no there is nothing in the molecule to cause hydrogen bonding; therefore, the molecule must have only dispersion forces at work when interacting with other molecules.

What Should I Do About My Christmas Present? (I Actually Love It)?

for christmas this year i got a kindle 3 (for those of you who dont know what that is, its and electronic reading device). i love to read, so its the best present in the world. but heres the catch, when my friends ask me what i got, i tell them everything but the kindle 3, because im afraid that theyll think im crazy. dont get me wrong, i have the best friends in the world that would seriously die or kick someones for me, but im having doubts about this. i guess i just need some reuring. help?

I know this question is geeky, but?

scientist have said "If we had the ability to reach speeds up to 80 miles per hour like a Cheetah does by running. Our own human legs wouldn't be able to withstand such speed and would literally tear off." Do you think that's true ?

I want to talk to National Guard but..?

I would like to talk to the National Guard, however I am in the DEP for the Army. Does this mean I cannot talk to them? Do I need to be released from the DEP in order to do so? What If I would like to join the National Guard instead?

AM/FM/CD/Sirius radio can I add an MP3 jack?

Our boat has a AM/FM/CD radio with sirius. Is there a way to plug an iPod into it? Can it be easily converted to have an MP3 jack?

Do u know any1 that has a real name but they never call them by their real name?

example- a girls name is Monica, but ever since she was born they called her Veronica, would she have identitty issues?

Monitor Not Receiving Signal?

Hey, after reembling my old computer, I have come up with this issue; when I start up the computer, the monitor doesn't receive a signal. I have an old sceptre monitor, and it shows that it isn't getting anything from the computer. I tried taking out the AGP and putting it back in, taking out the RAM and placing it back in, but nothing worked. Also, when I start up my computer, it makes three long beeps lasting 1-2 seconds each with about .5-1 seconds in between. If you could help me out, I'd really appreciate it. Thanks.

Did Sebastian from Kuroshitsuji really have with that nun?

I've watched the entire 1st season of Kuroshitsuji like 3 times and when I get to the episode i thinks its ep 17 I wonder does Sebastian REALLY have with the nun I think her name is Madge, anywho I wonder do they have or does Sebastian do something else to her? Oh and he says that he's already put his mark on her to Angela so I don't know what that means either, so I hope its not what I think it is.

Best bolt action 30-06 rifle for around $300-$400?

Also is 30-06 a good choice if I would be hunting whitetail and maybe black bear in new york. Im going to Oregon this year and would also like to be able to take mountain lion and elk. The rifles I've been looking at are the maverick, remington 770, and different mossberg marlins and savages

Monday, August 8, 2011

Chris Benoit is coming back to the WWE?

I heard that the WWE writers have finally come up with a storyline that brings Chris Benoit back from the grave. Anybody know when that might happen?

Start snowboarding before skiing?

Do you necessarily have to know how to skii before to snowboard? Because I really wanna learn how to snowboard but I'm not that much into skiing.

Help me please!!! My cramps are killing me, literally.?

My cramps hurt so bad that i have to go to the E.R. heating pads dont work, i eat Midol, Advil, Muscle relaxers like skittles nothing and i mean NOTHING works. i cant eat, and the whole time im on my period im laying in bed balling my eyes out and cant move. I get so scared when im about to start. i feel like im going to die when im pmsing. I was put on birth control but that only led me to the same place ( the E.R ) the birth control made me sicker then before. please im desperate for some help on what to do. Please give me an answer.

Does McCain acurately present the military's view on torture?

McCain has a lot more personal experience with torture than I do (by the grace of God go I!) so I will take his word for it on this subject. I think the terrorist vs. regular soldier argument is a bit of a fudge in a lot of cases. Given that the Minutemen had no uniforms, did that give the Redcoats the right to torture them? I'm not comparing Minuteman to Taliban, I'm just saying that the idea you can treat a combatant any way you like just because he doesn't have a uniform is utterly stupid.

How do I get lead out of mechanical pencil sharpener?

I was sharpening a pencil, and a piece of lead is stuck in it, so I can't fully sharpen another pencil. I tried tapping several times in an attempt to dislodge the lead, but no luck. I thought of trying to fish it out with an unfurled paper clip (unplugged of course), but I'm afraid it can still shock me. Anyone have some experience with getting lead out of a mechanical pencil sharpener that they wouldn't mind sharing?