Sunday, August 14, 2011

Now that it's been proven the DNA evidence was wrong about the Book of Mormon, will critics apologize?

Interesting. I don't read much into that stuff- either pro or con. I think that if science was able to prove religion right or wrong than it would undermine the entire purpose of God and faith in general. And therefore will never happen either way. Although I do think it is interesting that those who answered that they will believe it when it comes from a non lds site, that the finding is one sided. Do they not think that the non lds scientist whose purpose was to discredit the book of mormon was not one sided? either they are seriously disillusion or hypocrites. Maybe when a study is actually an unbiased one then people on either side of the fence will take it's findings more seriously. Until then it's just he said she said stuff. And for the question of whether they will keep repeating the same "garbage" i would confidently say yes. People tend to find information that agrees with their point of view and then use that to validate their opinions and feelings. Whether or not it's factual.

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