Tuesday, August 9, 2011

How can I convince a family member that my honey is not a bad guy?

I kinda discussed things with my older sis about my ups and downs that I was going through with my one true love. Now we've worked things out. But she still doesn't like him. But my mom and other relatives like him and enjoy his sence of humor. My sis doesn't understand when he is kidding around. I didn't either at first then I got it that he likes to kid alot. He disscused things with his buddies too before. Since my sis lives out of state she doesn't know all the wonderful qualities he has. How can I convince her that he is not the bad person she thinks he is. Should I tell her about all the nice things he has done for me? Have I tainted a bad picture about him to her? I want all my family and friends to like him. He is the best things that has ever happned to me. He is my world. I would be lost without him. He has many good qualities. If I tell her the good things about him would she change her mind?

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