Tuesday, August 16, 2011

How would you refine this paragraph?

Uglies is a novel that was written by Scott Westerfield. One of the many themes of the novel is that conformity, as opposed to being yourself, overshadows your inner beauty. At first, Tally wanted desperately to get the operation to make her 'pretty', so she can fit in. Tally later discovers that when people get the operation, they also get a brain lesion inserted which prevents people from truly thinking for themselves. The page is imperative to developing the theme because it shows that if a person gets the operation that makes them like everyone else, their mind gets taken over by the lesion. When a person gets the lesion inserted, they lose who the are, and become what the city wants people to be. Tally remembered how idiotic Pretties were, and vowed not to be like them. What she didnt know at the time was, that once you get the operation, being dumb is uncontrollable.This is part of the theme; because in life, when you follow what others are doing, you lose your ability to choose for yourself. Special Cirstances is a group of people who enforce the rules of Tally's city. The represent a dictatorship because they prevent people from being individuals. When Tally's friend Shay runs away to The Smoke, Special Cirstances make Tally go find her. The Smoke is a hidden place, in which those who don't believe in the operation, can run away to. Special Cirstances is threatend by people who don't want the operation, because it means they think for themselves.

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