Saturday, August 13, 2011

Parents read my diary...?

when I was 20 and I am 26 now. I did not know until today that they have read every intimate detail of my life. My mom told me to go in her dresser drawer to get my spare car key, and when I did, I instead uncovered an opened journal of mine. This journal was from when I was still living in my parents house, however I was 20 years old. I only wrote in my journal when there was something really bothering me that I was trying to work out, sometimes too embaring or private to talk to other friends about even. I was in a horrible relationship right after high school and I wrote every detail of this encounter, and eventually got myself out of the situation. That was just one piece of the journal, but there was more, like encounters with boyfriends and what to do...lets just say every skeleton in your closet, exposed. And read by your parents. Anyways, I began to read a letter that I wrote the crazy boyfriend. I got to a certain point in the letter which was basically crying out of desperation, begging for this crazy guy to stop treating me so poorly blah blah blah. It also described that he called me horrible names, hit me, spit on me, everything. They were not close with me, in fact they tried to emancipate me when I was 16. They apparantly didn't care about what they read because they never did anything to help me. I am have the most overwhelming feeling of being violated, having my parents read the most in depth intimate details of my life, and I feel absolutely mortified. I don't know how I am going to get over this, and talking to my parents is out of the question. I feel like I never want to talk to them again. What should I do?

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