Monday, August 15, 2011

How do I get help for a fear of driving and agoraphobia when I can't leave my house?

I feel worthless. I had a panic attack while driving over a bridge almost a year ago. After this I was terrified to drive over the bridge again. My therapist at the time told me I could get rid of my fear by doing it anyway. I followed her advice and it didn't help. I developed a fear of driving and was pushed by various people to continue driving and was told to "get over it". The constant state of panic while driving was unbearable. Now I am agoraphobic. I want to leave my house. I want a job. I want to get better. I am terrified when I step foot out of my house. My house is the only place I feel safe. I can't even get myself to therapy or the doctor. I waited three days to go to the doctor when I had swine flu because I couldn't bring myself to drive there and had to wait for my boyfriend to be able to drive me. I am on Zoloft for depression but I am almost out. I checked out e-therapy but I don't think my insurance will cover it and I'm broke so I can't pay cash. I have tried "toughing it out and doing it anyway". It doesn't work. I have tried to do a desensitization program by myself because I can't seem to get myself to therapy and that didn't work either. I don't have any friends to help me because I never leave the house. Does anyone have any helpful suggestions, articles, tips, a therapist on here who feels bad enough to give me some free advice, anything? I don't want to live like this. My agoraphobia is making my depression worse. I hate my life. My children, my family, and my boyfriend are a blessing but I can't be any use to them like this. Please help me find a way to get better.

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