Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Jews killed Jesus?

The Jewish leaders of Jesus's time did. He knew their works and that they were false to their teachings or lack of teachings. The leaders did not like Jesus as he was exposing them and they were going to lose their prominence in the community. They had to get rid of him. They were the way prophecy was fulfilled. They were not destined to fulfill but did so out of fear and hatred. They knew he was the Messiah as they studied the scrolls, yet they denied him. Mel Gibson went on a drunken triad and evidently spoke what he had been hearing his dad say for many years. When drunk, people speak stupidly. I learned this living with alcoholics all my life. Hatred and Bias comes from Satan not Jehovah God. 1John5:19 tells us Satan is the ruler of this world. Even Jesus acknowledged this. Jehovah is a spirit therefore without color, he is the one we are to worship. Jesus, his son was born of dark skinned parent so his color would be of the Arabian sector. Skin color does not matter. It is what is inside that does.

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