Sunday, August 7, 2011

Sri Lanka publicly thanking India for their help in the war with LTTE, what is the Sinhalese Govt up to?

i support tamil cause but tamils seceding from india is as unacceptable as kashmir seperatists.there was no aryan invasion,remember lord krishna was dark skinned and so was draupadi so was ved vyasa and vidhur.plz dump karunanidhi brand of tamil history.languages like telegu malayalam and kannad have developed from tamil and sanskrit.look at bengali and oriya much they have drawn from tamil.people in baluchistan too have dravidian a family itself two brothers will fifgt but they deny that they are of the same blood.its the fault of tamils that they believed words like dravid this and dravida that and people like karunanidhi.people are given unlimited supply of liquor and stupid dravida slogans to be in a wilful suspension of disbelief.not alone tamil every other state has differet language.only tamils have not blended in the mainstream.atleast now stop being anti hindu in the name of dravidianism.i support tamil hindus.not atheists and christians who dragged sankaracharya to you think tamil christians would have voted for sonia or dmk or aiadmk if their pope or bishop was treated like sankaracharya.

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